Fells Point Corner Theatre is seeking original 10-minute plays by Baltimore-area
playwrights for our critically-acclaimed annual play festival. The10x10x10 Play Festival will
run May 16 ​​–June 8, 2025 - our tenth festival! We helped birth over a 100 plays!
10x10x10 has turned into a staple of local theatre in Baltimore, becoming
one of the highest selling productions at Fells Point Corner Theatre each season.
FPCT is committed to showcasing our diverse local talent and playwrights from all backgrounds are encouraged to submit. Playwrights located in the Baltimore area are eligible for production. Playwrights who were once Baltimore-based artists may also submit.
Scripts should be submitted via email no later than September 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. to
The body of the email should contain the playwright’s first and last name, address, and a
primary phone number. Please attach a character list, as well as the genders and ages of
characters if the script calls for them. The play should be included as a Word .doc
attachment, with the playwright’s name and contact information removed from the actual
script (this is a blind submission).
Applicants can submit a maximum of two plays.
Submissions should be no more than 1700 words in length. Word count does not consider
title pages, or character sheets.
Scripts must have relatively simple demands for design elements. No script may have more
than six characters. No child actors will be cast.
Reflecting FPCT’s theme of Rebellion for its 2024/2025 season, we ask that playwrights write plays following that prompt: Rebellion
Scripts must represent completely original works. No adaptations or transcriptions. We are
looking for NEW plays. Please do not submit anything that has previously been produced.
Audiences will vote on best play. In the past, winning playwrights (only) were awarded cash
prizes, but in the interest of community and parity, Fells Point Corner Theatre will no longer offer cash prizes to the winners. Instead, FPCT will pay all playwrights whose work is selected for production a stipend of $50.
DEADLINE FOR ALL ENTRIES IS 11:59 PM September 30, 2024.