As we approach the final weekend of our successful run of The Mineola Twins, we at Fells Point Corner Theatre want to give everyone an update on our response to the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. We understand that everyone is very concerned about this situation. We want everyone to know that the health and wellbeing of our creative staff, actors, volunteers and patrons is our highest concern and that we are taking steps to ensure that status.
Our staff has been monitoring the websites for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at and the Maryland Department of Health at for up-to-date information and guidance for precautions.
Prior to each performance, we are wiping down and disinfecting all surfaces including door handles and armrests
We will have wipes available in all restrooms and at the box office and concessions area.
We encourage all patrons to keep at least one empty seat between you.
At this point there are no plans to cancel any scheduled performances. If that situation changes we will post information on our website at
We are employing a very flexible exchange policy. If you are feeling unwell or are unable to attend a production for which you are currently holding tickets, please contact us at the email below so that we may reschedule your visit.
For any concerns, questions, or to exchange your tickets, please contact us at We will monitor our mail and respond to your request as soon as possible.
Finally, since it seems that we may all be inside for a while, we are offering $10 tickets at the door for all remaining shows this weekend. Thank you for your patronage and ongoing support.
- The Fells Point Corner Theatre Board of Directors